
Mutual Fund Cost Basis Calculator

Mutual fund investors need to understand their cost basis in order to arrive at a capital gain or loss for tax purposes. The calculation for mutual fund cost basis can be somewhat challenging as there are a number of factors that can impact your cost basis over time.

Calculate the Treynor Ratio to Measure Risk-Adjusted Portfolio Performance

The Treynor Ratio or “Treynor Index” is used to measure investment returns against the available risk-free rate of return. Developed by Jack Treynor, the ratio provides an analysis similar to the Jensen and Sharpe ratios to enable investors to more clearly evaluate the trade-off between investment risk and return.
The formula for the Treynor Ratio [...]

Calculate Jensen’s Measure to Evaluate Portfolio Performance

Jensen’s Measure or “Jensen’s Alpha” is a measure of the risk-adjusted performance of a portfolio beyond the return forecasted by the capital asset pricing model (CAPM). Introduced in the 1970s by Michael Jensen, the measure can be used for a number of assets, including stocks, bonds, or derivatives. The theory behind Jensen’s measure [...]

Calculate the Sharpe Ratio

The Sharpe Ratio is a formula developed by Nobel laureate William F. Sharpe to measure risk-adjusted performance by examining the additional return received for the added volatility of a higher-risk asset. A high Sharpe Ratio indicates a greater return for each unit of risk. By examining the Sharpe Ratio, an investor can make [...]

Calculate the Standard Deviation of a Portfolio

Standard deviation is a term used in probability theory and statistics to measure the variability of a set of data. A low standard deviation means that the data points tend to assemble close to the mean while a high standard deviation indicates that the data tends to spread out over a larger range. [...]

Calculate Unlevered Beta

The volatility of a stock is measured by its beta which represents the volatility of the stock in relation to the overall market. A stock with a beta value of 1.0 would move in correlation to the market. If the stock has proven to swing more widely than the market over time, its [...]

A Mutual Fund Calculator to Track Returns

A mutual fund is a professionally managed investment vehicle in which money is pooled from a large number of people for investments in securities that may include stocks, bonds, money market, or other types of securities. The manager of the fund oversees the trading activity within the fund to achieve the fund’s stated goals [...]

An Expectancy Calculator to Monitor Forex Trading Strategies

A forex trading system is a strategy implemented to help determine the timing and price levels at which to open and close forex trades. Most trading systems leverage signals that are generated by fundamental or technical analysis. The trader evaluates and acts on these signals to decide whether they should buy or sell [...]

Calculate and Interpret the Cost of Equity

The Cost of Equity (COE) is the minimum rate of return shareholders require for their investment in common stock of a corporation. This expected future return to the investor consists of both capital gains (share price appreciation) and dividends. The cost of equity formula helps investors determine the cost of capital which equates [...]

Calculate Mutual Fund Expenses

Mutual fund fees and expenses refer to those charges investors of mutual funds incur associated with the fund’s advisory fees, marketing fees and transaction and distributions costs. These costs are passed from the mutual fund company to its investors and have a negative impact on overall investment performance. The higher a fund’s costs, the [...]

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