Featured Stock Portfolios
High Yield
| | Created on 2009-08-12 07:58:49
| Total Profit: 446662626.26 % | | Investments: 9218 | | Return: 41173370107 |
| | Comments: A high yield, low PEG portfolio
Stock | Price | # of Shares | Purchase Price | Initial Value | ARLP Alliance Resources | 7150.00 | 100 | 35.85 | 3585.00 | | | Current Value | Gain/Loss $ | Gain/Loss % | | | 71.50 | 3565.00 | 99.4421 | Stock | Price | # of Shares | Purchase Price | Initial Value | AINV Apollo Investment | 711.00 | 100 | 8.74 | 874.00 | | | Current Value | Gain/Loss $ | Gain/Loss % | | | 7.11 | -163.00 | -18.6499 | Stock | Price | # of Shares | Purchase Price | Initial Value | GRT Glimcher Realty | 1003.00 | 100 | 3.73 | 373.00 | | | Current Value | Gain/Loss $ | Gain/Loss % | | | 10.03 | 630.00 | 168.9008 | Stock | Price | # of Shares | Purchase Price | Initial Value | JTX Jackson Hewitt | 41173356800.00 | 100 | 6.31 | 631.00 | | | Current Value | Gain/Loss $ | Gain/Loss % | | | 411733568.00 | 41173356169.00 | 6525096064.8177 | Stock | Price | # of Shares | Purchase Price | Initial Value | MFA MFA Financial | 744.00 | 100 | 7.53 | 753.00 | | | Current Value | Gain/Loss $ | Gain/Loss % | | | 7.44 | -9.00 | -1.1952 | Stock | Price | # of Shares | Purchase Price | Initial Value | NMM Navios Maritime | 1627.00 | 100 | 11.51 | 1151.00 | | | Current Value | Gain/Loss $ | Gain/Loss % | | | 16.27 | 476.00 | 41.3553 | Stock | Price | # of Shares | Purchase Price | Initial Value | PVG Penn Virginia | 1679.00 | 100 | 14.80 | 1480.00 | | | Current Value | Gain/Loss $ | Gain/Loss % | | | 16.79 | 199.00 | 13.4459 | Stock | Price | # of Shares | Purchase Price | Initial Value | PCAP Patriot Capital | 393.00 | 100 | 3.71 | 371.00 | | | Current Value | Gain/Loss $ | Gain/Loss % | | | 3.93 | 22.00 | 5.9299 |
Tech Stocks
| | Created on 2009-07-15 19:55:16
| Total Profit: 38.66 % | | Investments: 8050 | | Return: 11162 |
| | Comments: Technology companies portfolio created on 7/15/09.
Stock | Price | # of Shares | Purchase Price | Initial Value | MSFT Microsoft | 3135.00 | 100 | 24.12 | 2412.00 | | | Current Value | Gain/Loss $ | Gain/Loss % | | | 31.35 | 723.00 | 29.9751 | Stock | Price | # of Shares | Purchase Price | Initial Value | CSCO Cisco Systems | 2017.00 | 100 | 19.81 | 1981.00 | | | Current Value | Gain/Loss $ | Gain/Loss % | | | 20.17 | 36.00 | 1.8173 | Stock | Price | # of Shares | Purchase Price | Initial Value | ORCL Oracle | 2926.00 | 100 | 21.51 | 2151.00 | | | Current Value | Gain/Loss $ | Gain/Loss % | | | 29.26 | 775.00 | 36.0298 | Stock | Price | # of Shares | Purchase Price | Initial Value | EMC EMC Corporation | 2783.00 | 100 | 13.36 | 1336.00 | | | Current Value | Gain/Loss $ | Gain/Loss % | | | 27.83 | 1447.00 | 108.3084 | Stock | Price | # of Shares | Purchase Price | Initial Value | ZIXI Zix Corporation | 301.00 | 100 | 1.70 | 170.00 | | | Current Value | Gain/Loss $ | Gain/Loss % | | | 3.01 | 131.00 | 77.0588 |
| | Created on 2009-08-09 08:28:33
| Total Profit: 4.08 % | | Investments: 9183.4 | | Return: 9558 |
| | Comments: Low P/E stocks with high expected growth rates over the next five years.
Stock | Price | # of Shares | Purchase Price | Initial Value | NRF Northstar Realty | 537.00 | 100 | 3.95 | 395.00 | | | Current Value | Gain/Loss $ | Gain/Loss % | | | 5.37 | 142.00 | 35.9494 | Stock | Price | # of Shares | Purchase Price | Initial Value | MIR Mirant Corp. | 1039.00 | 100 | 17.47 | 1747.00 | | | Current Value | Gain/Loss $ | Gain/Loss % | | | 10.39 | -708.00 | -40.5266 | Stock | Price | # of Shares | Purchase Price | Initial Value | GTIV Gentiva Health | 800.00 | 100 | 20.71 | 2071.00 | | | Current Value | Gain/Loss $ | Gain/Loss % | | | 8.00 | -1271.00 | -61.3713 | Stock | Price | # of Shares | Purchase Price | Initial Value | MTXX Matrixx Initiatives | 874.00 | 100 | 5.57 | 557.00 | | | Current Value | Gain/Loss $ | Gain/Loss % | | | 8.74 | 317.00 | 56.9120 | Stock | Price | # of Shares | Purchase Price | Initial Value | CLMT Calumet Specialty | 2394.00 | 100 | 14.65 | 1465.00 | | | Current Value | Gain/Loss $ | Gain/Loss % | | | 23.94 | 929.00 | 63.4130 | Stock | Price | # of Shares | Purchase Price | Initial Value | ITI Iteris Inc. | 147.00 | 100 | 1.25 | 125.00 | | | Current Value | Gain/Loss $ | Gain/Loss % | | | 1.47 | 22.00 | 17.6000 | Stock | Price | # of Shares | Purchase Price | Initial Value | CHMP Champion Industries | 80.00 | 100 | 1.67 | 167.00 | | | Current Value | Gain/Loss $ | Gain/Loss % | | | 0.80 | -87.00 | -52.0958 | Stock | Price | # of Shares | Purchase Price | Initial Value | KPPC Kapstone Paper | 983.00 | 100 | 5.10 | 510.00 | | | Current Value | Gain/Loss $ | Gain/Loss % | | | 9.83 | 473.00 | 92.7451 | Stock | Price | # of Shares | Purchase Price | Initial Value | CRY Cryolife, Inc. | 554.00 | 100 | 5.15 | 515.00 | | | Current Value | Gain/Loss $ | Gain/Loss % | | | 5.54 | 39.00 | 7.5728 | Stock | Price | # of Shares | Purchase Price | Initial Value | PSEC Prospect Capital | 1088.00 | 100 | 10.07 | 1007.00 | | | Current Value | Gain/Loss $ | Gain/Loss % | | | 10.88 | 81.00 | 8.0437 | Stock | Price | # of Shares | Purchase Price | Initial Value | GLF Gulfmark Offshore | 1062.00 | 20 | 31.22 | 624.40 | | | Current Value | Gain/Loss $ | Gain/Loss % | | | 53.10 | 437.60 | 70.0833 |