What is a Systematic Withdrawal Plan?

By Stock Research Pro • June 18th, 2009

A Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) is a service provided by mutual funds to offer specific payment amounts to shareholders at defined time intervals. A common way to set up a systematic withdrawal plan would be for the investor to deposit a lump sum of money and make arrange for withdrawals on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annual basis. A systematic withdrawal plan is often used to fund expenses for retirees, but the plan can also be used for other purposes. In fact, systematic withdrawal plans have seen increased popularity among those investors who are looking for consistent cash flows from their investments.

Benefits of Systematic Withdrawal Plans

The primary benefit of a systematic withdrawal plan is in providing the investor with the money they need when they need it. SWPs can also offer tax advantages. As opposed to taking a lump sum payment, spreading the income out across multiple intervals can lower the total tax bill. In making periodic withdrawals of fixed amounts, SWPs can also help to protect investors against market fluctuations.

SWPs can be particularly appealing to individuals who do not have a fixed pension or government plan secured as retirement income. Theses individuals can rely on continuous distributions from their own savings and investments to provide the cash flow needed for retirement. It is also worth noting that SWP distributions can be changed at any time to accommodate changing cash flow needs.

Types of Systematic Withdrawal Plans

Capital Retention Systematic Withdrawal Plan (CRSWP): These plans operate with the goal of protecting invested capital (through proper diversification) while maintaining fixed rates of payment.

Capital Depletion Systematic Withdrawal Plans (CDSWP): Under this type of SWP, the income provided to the investor is not pre-set. Instead, payments are made on both principal and accrued income by a pre-determined date.

The above information is educational and should not be interpreted as financial advice. For advice that is specific to your circumstances, you should consult a financial or tax advisor.

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